Friday, March 9, 2007

I think I'm getting it...

Ariann, that is. I worked on her last night and I tell you, she is addictive. I'm at the eyelet rounds and the thing is just spectacular. I can't wait to get a little further. How can I be so tired at the end of the work day but when I get home and start knitting or reading I have this burst of energy and can't even think of sleeping. Okay, well, burst of energy doesn't describe it accurately. I get in a zone. Or something.

I think I finished the Princess sleeve on the bus this morning. I say "I think" because I started the last bindoff row on a purl side, and then realized that I should be on the knit side, but when I tinked back, I ended up with an extra stitch. So I ended up compensating, but unfortunately it looks like it. I really don't want to rip it back, but I will if I have to. The sleeves are making me a little nervous - I think they may be way too long. Good thing I have long arms, but they're loose sleeves, not the kind that you can push up. When I get home I'll set the sleeves out on top of each other and see how they match up. (I have so learned my lesson and will forevermore count stupid rows.) Then hopefully it'll be on to blocking and seaming.

I purchased The Knitters Book of Finishing Techniques from an Amazon affiliate - it hasn't come yet, though. There's a lot more to finishing than what was covered in the finishing class, so I think it will be useful. I need to train myself to finish my projects before I start new ones and I'm hopeful that if I'm more confident about my finishing abilities this will happen.

It's Friday and I'm so very happy about that. The bus ride was nice and quick, and I listened to Lucy Kaplansky's Every Single Day, since I finished the Lemon Tree. I do love her music, and am pleased to see that she has a new album coming out. I'll have to add it to my IPod (how did I survive without it, anyway? People don't talk to you when you've got earphones in, thankfully).

It's nice and springy outside and my people are all in a good mood.

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