Thursday, April 19, 2007


I am not a good blogger - so much knitting, so much reading leads to very little blogging. I am realizing that a blog without photos is b.o.r.i.n.g. but since we're running dangerously low on disk space on our home computer I don't want to download many pictures because they take up so much space. We are looking into getting a new computer after that stooooopid HELOC is paid off, which, fortunately, is on the horizon. Yay - debt free (notwithstanding a $120,000 mortgage, ahem). It makes it worth the wait.

Speaking of money, I have been able to save a ton since I've been taking the bus or light rail. Love public transportation! So much reading/napping/knitting time. And I listen to the beloved This American Life on my beloved Ipod. Life is good.

I justified the purchase of a few more skeins of Noro for the Lizard Ridge since I've been so frugal. I really need to take some pictures because I am quite enchanted with my little squares and should be documenting their progress. I've been trying to stay away from the fluorescent pink/yellow colorways, which is kind of limiting, but that would not go in my house a'tall. I really like the No. 185 (orange/purple/green) that I got from Supercrafty, and also No. 178, which is a really lovely blue/grey/green.

The LR is nice to work on at lunch, and while commuting in that it's so portable. I've been saving Ariann for the evenings. Last night I progressed to the part where I did the armhole bindoffs. I also started one sleeve (I chose the long sleeved version, but am considering frogging it and making the 3/4 sleeve version - it seems a little dressier, and hello! faster). I'm not understanding how the body and the sleeves connect, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. The Ariann is at the Slog Phase right now, but I don't want to stop. I've been making pretty good time on it.

I titled this post "Creativity" because I've been thinking how I'm lacking in this arena. I can't fathom writing a knitting pattern, or even really altering an existing one very much. What's the point when there are so many lovely patterns out there. And, I've been following Cara's progress on her miters and have become increasingly interested in trying out a mitered blanket. Coming up with the color combinations is more than a little bit intimidating, though. It's funny because as much as I love Mason-Dixon Knitting, the mitered blanket is not one that caught my eye until Cara posted about it (mostly for the seaming - that might kill me dead). Hers are amazing - I especially love the Chocolate one, #20. I'm kind of plotting out my next project - I should use the Brown Sheep cotton fleece I bought for the Cutaway, and maybe use it for Wendy's Sizzle (what was I thinking buying that pattern - I'm far too modest to wear something that low cut). Alas, part of my obsession with knitting lies in the acquisition of new yarn.

The mitered blanket project is one that I could buy the yarn incrementally, though, like the Lizard Ridge. That has been a great feature of the project.

I've been doing lots of reading, currently The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton. I just love her work and for some reason it's very surprising to me that these books were written in the '40's and '50's. She has a way of just making the era come alive. I've never been particularly intrigued by the Puritans and America in the 1600's, but this book changed all that. I also have her earlier novel Avalon on the nightstand. The King Arthur legend business has kind of skeeved me so I'll be interested to see what Seton does with it.

Spring is here - we had a lovely weekend and the first of the week was nice, but it's sunny but cold and windy out today. Wind sucks. I think I'll stay in and knit at lunch today. What a surprise!

No photos, no links - I am a sad sack of a blogger.

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